Johann Pickl
Beiträge des Künstlers
Rome, Theater of Marcellus
By jopick|2024-01-16T11:47:14+01:00Oktober 25th, 2020|Categories: Galerie, Kunst|Tags: Cityscape Rome, Theater of Marcellus|
Rome, Theater of Marcellus, Reed Pen Drawing 43x61cm 2019
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New York, East Village „Honky Tonk“
By jopick|2024-01-16T11:47:15+01:00Oktober 25th, 2020|Categories: Galerie, Kunst|Tags: East Village, New York|
New York, East Village, "Honky Tonk" Acryl Mixed Media on [...]
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New York, Manhattan, Empire State Building
By jopick|2024-01-16T11:47:15+01:00Oktober 25th, 2020|Categories: Galerie, Kunst|Tags: New York - Empire State Building|
New York, Manhattan, Empire State Building, Acryl Mixed Media on [...]
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